Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Here we are...... again!

By again, I mean - Hump Day. So much to say, so little time......

What a difference, a deadline makes......

24 little hours..... I love that song. I just put the finishing touches on my very first article édité! I'm tired, red-eyed & stressed & questioning whatever made me think I had the chops to write for a living? I don't know how people do it. I'm waaaaaaay too critical of every word that floweth from my pen PLUS I have a huge disdain for proper grammatical structure so WTF am I thinking?! Oh well, I'll keep at it till carpal tunnel kicks in or my bloodshot eyes falleth from my sockets - - whichever comes 1st.

Moving on.....

The story of Marianne Pearl's life is both heartbreaking and inspiring but I had no clue that Mrs. Pearl is a black woman, or is it that she's more like 1/8 or 1/4 or 1/2?? Who knows but it's making headlines since Angelina Jolie, or A.J. as I like to call her, was cast to play the inspiring widow in a biopic of her life. I'm hearing the craziest things about the filming process such as Angie's playing the role in blackface!! Honestly, have you ever?!?

I mean really, does this pic look like blackface to you?

The media comes up with the most ridiculous 'ish sometimes. First of all, Marianne Pearl is light as day & I can't see A.J. even considering such nonsense! In the words of Mike Tyson - "simply ludicrous"!

Word on the street or at least here is that Jennifer Aniston was set to play the part when A.J. smoothly swooped down and stole it right from under poor Rachel. Daaang, sound familiar?!

sidenote: A.J. is one thing but JENNIFER ANISTON!?! C'mon now, she COULD NOT pull that off. (just look at the pics above if you doubtin)

Dancing Drrrraaaaammmaa!

It's not exactly news But there are just a few things I have to say about the "Sara Evans Divorce Rocking Dancing with the Stars" fiasco.

* She seems nice enough but she should've been GONE weeks ago

* She should've been GONE weeks ago because she CAN NOT dance

* Her best dance routine was to one of my favorite childhood songs! (NO COMMENTS FROM THE PEANUT GALLERY)

* BRING BACK WILLA & MAX since this is all unexpected and now the show will be 2 couples down instead of 1

* Cheryl is the best PRO on the show!

* Emmitt is my favorite "star"!
* Mario is the best male dancer!


Could it be? Another rather entertaining network production entering my already too-full-to watch-TV schedule?

I'm really feelin the latest series to be added to ABC's Thursday night lineup. Six Degrees is chock-full of interesting characters, buzzing story lines & some not so shabby eye-candy I might add....

* Jay Hernandez (Carlos)
Nice-guy hotness! Carlos is your typical "nice-guy" lawyer searching incessantly for a mysterious bad girl he defends in the first episode.

* Campbell Scott (Steven)
Drunken stupor turned sober hotness! Steven is a brooding older, out-of-work photographer who struggles to pick up the pieces of his fallen career thanks to an ugly addiction that cost him his family.

Dorian Missick (Damian)
New York Swagger Hotness!! Damian is a hustler turned straight-laced limo driver with a dirty past. But more importantly, he's tres fine - he really reminds me of Mos Def (peep the voice) but his look is less 'off-center' & his voice is REAL NICE! (did I say that already) : ) Me likey... nuff said

Okay, I dished & dabbled enough for today, I'm really exhausted so if this ain't entertaining - pardon my faux pas!

I leave you with a little light-hearted LISTING to tickle your bloggin fancy....

Oh waitaminute, I just remembered I have to share one more thing!!

I heard there's a network execs meeting planned as a result of the Grey's Anatomy Brawl I reported last week. I really hope this isn't the kind of meeting where one of the main characters (BURKE) who doesn't like another main character (MCDREAMY) gets his walking papers in the form of a sudden (gasp!) exit that leaves us wondering..huh..where's..did-you-hear-anything about Isaiah quitting..... WTF? I really hope the guys squash this nonsense & let the fabulousness of Grey's continue!!

BUT, let's be real for a minute, say Isaiah does get the ole' boot-in-the-kisser, I want THIS GUY to replace him! It would be tooo much competition for ole' McDreamy & McSteamy combined! TRUST.

Okay, on with the listing....

I'd Love To:

* Win the lottery
* Retire NOW
* Work from home
* Do what I want
* Have no worries
* Sleep as much as I want
* Quit my job
* Travel back in time
* Have my grandmother with me
* Publish a book of my poetry
* Retire my parents (from working that is)
* Know for sure that heaven exists
* Establish the J.I.L. Camp Dream for kids in poor communities
* Have more time to:
- Relax
- Spend time with loved ones
- Enjoy life
- Read
- Take my time
- Do anything... beauty
- Write

That's it for today... thanks for coming out, god bless....?????? (those who KNOW, can finish the rest)


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